niko and… Gallery
Wall Creative Introductions
Niko and…咖啡牆創作說明
作者 /
upandcoming大新設計顧問 x 花狂‧狂花 botaniholic by upandcoming
尺寸 /
媒材 /
主題 /
#你看到的花,不是我看到的花 !
walk by faith, not by sight !
這個世界是我們自己想像的, 每天的心情與日常的感受,
請你告訴我,今天你看到了什麼 : __________________
Artist /
upandcoming DA XIN design consultant x 花狂‧狂花 botaniholic by upandcoming
Size /
Material /
LED lights、dry flowers、putty 、water paint 、acrylic & mixed multiple materials …
Title /
# no matter what you see , please remember “walk by faith, not by sight !”
The world is our own imagination , our daily mood and feelings.
It will construct the color and appearance in your eyes.
Follow your heart , not your eyes !
Please tell me what is something you saw today : __________________
#it’s not just a flower shop, also a life experience