Niko and…
籌劃將近一年,與niko and…Taipei旗艦店的展售合一企劃,2022年5月開始為期一個月快閃,以主題「#你看到的花,不是我看到的花!」華麗登場於niko market中!
活動中除了販售花狂·狂花botaniholic by upandcoming 鮮花與乾燥花的花藝商品,更全新以穿搭風格#myootd為靈感概念,設計出獨家乾燥花背帶花藝商品,讓平日喜歡穿搭的消費者,不僅可以快速打造自我風格,送人或日常居家裝飾也是很好的選擇,讓花藝成為生活中的一環,實現「不只是花店,也是一種生活體驗」!
走入店裡,在niko market展覽部份,我們以 #你看到的花,不是我看到的花!為主題,在niko and…現場咖啡座位區的walk gallery即興將乾燥花與畫作合而為一,成為一種多媒材的裝飾藝術,展現空間視覺與花藝的爆發力!
upandcoming 設計團隊也希望藉由這次niko market的活動,鼓勵大家勇敢相信自己,關注當下的體驗,將會找到生活的美好並且突破框架!
Planned for nearly a year, combined with the exhibition and sale of the flagship store in niko and…Taipei. Starting from May 2022, a month pop-up will gorgeous appearance in the niko market with theme“ walk by faith, not by sight!”
Besides the pop-up event to selling flowers and dry flowers, also features a new concept inspired by the style of #myootd to design exclusive dry flower straps for consumers allowing consumers who like to dress up, not only can you quickly create your own style, but also a good choice for gifting or daily home decoration, making flower arrangements a part of life, and realizing “it’s not just a flower shop, also a life experience” !
Walk into the shop, we use “walk by faith, not by sight !” as the theme, in the exhibition part of the niko market. In the walking gallery of the coffee seating area, the flowers and paintings are improvised together, becoming a multi-media decorative art, showing the explosive power of space vision and floral art!
The upandcoming design team also hopes that through this niko market event, everyone will be encouraged to believe in themselves bravely, live in the moment, find the beauty of life and break through the sterotypes.
#it’s not just a flower shop , also a life experience