Salient Class Flagship Store in Taichung City
巧絲顏Salient class為專業中醫美容針灸領導品牌,2022年7月於台中西屯區成立旗艦店,獨特的美學品味不僅展現在醫美上,更注重藝術、音樂與室內空間的整合設計,特別規劃DJ創作放歌空間,及無壓舒適的lounge沙發區,巧妙的中西合璧,使得在執行針灸醫美的過程中,心靈同時一併洗滌換新。
Salient class is the leading brand of professional Chinese beauty acupuncture. In July 2022, the flagship store was established in Xitun Dist, Taichung City. The unique aesthetic style is not only shown in medical aesthetics, but also in the integration of art, music and interior design.
Specially designed space for DJs to create and play songs and relaxing lounge sofa area. A clever combination of Chinese and Western. In the process of beauty acupuncture, the heart and soul are simultaneously purified and renewed.
The design concept is an immersive aesthetic experience, we designed the entrance sofa area, where are the stories of three mythical flower gods. We designed the 200*200cm large scale dry flowers installation art hung on the ceiling, the visual and hearing sense cells are awakened at the same time.